Sugarloaf Point SNA and Sugarloaf Cove Nature Center

Contact Information

Sugarloaf Point SNA and Sugarloaf Cove Nature Center

9096 W Highway 61
Schroeder, MN 55613

Sugarloaf Cove is located lakeside on Highway 61 at mile marker 73.3

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Sugarloaf Cove is a 27 acre site on Lake Superior adjacent to Sugarloaf Point Scientific and Natural Area. Sugarloaf has a 1 mile interpretive trail, cobblestone beaches, forest restoration sites and an interpretive center. North Shore historical and nature programs are offered at 10AM on the Second Saturday of each month with additional summer programs and workshops.


Site open daily dawn to dusk. Building hours vary.


Entrance into the SNA is free. The Nature Center accepts donations toward their facility.

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