Superior National Forest

From Duluth: access SW end of forest (Iron Range area) via N Hwy 53; access center of forest (Ely area) via Hwy 53N then NE on Hwy 169; access E side of forest via Hwy 61 N (Gunflint Trail area).

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Superior National Forest offers numerous recreation opportunities year-round. From fully developed campgrounds to secluded wilderness or backcountry (non-wilderness) sites with few or no facilities. Boat, canoe, and fish on over 2,000 lakes and streams within the forest. Many of these boast some of the country's finest fishing for walleye, northern pike & smallmouth bass. Hiking trails vary in length and difficulty to provide adventures of just a few hours to an extended trip of a week or more.

District Offices
Gunflint Ranger District- 2020 W. Highway 61, Grand Maris, MN 55604

Kawishiwi Ranger District- 1393 Highway 169, Ely, MN 55731

LaCroix Ranger District- 320 North Highway 53, Cook, MN 55723

Laurention Ranger District- 318 Forestry Road, Aurora, MN 55705

Tofte Ranger District - 7355 West Hwy 61, Tofte, MN 55615


Year round


Fees are collected for camping at the 23 Developed Campgrounds across the Forest.

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